NARL Announces the 2022 Grants for Leadership Development
NARL is pleased to announce its 2014 cash grants for leadership and professional development. Grants are awarded annually to NARL state and regional chapters in two categories: (1) Operations – supports functions basic to the survival of the chapter such as phone, postage, printing, etc., and (2) Professional Programming – supports professional development activities such as conference expenses, speaker fees, AV equipment rental, etc. Approved applications can earn up to $250.00 in support of Operations or Professional activities. The Grants Application Packet is available via the menu choice above or at Next, double click on NARL_Grant.doc. Completed applications may be submitted at anytime during the calendar year to Eleanor Williams, NARL president, at the address revealed in the application packet. Questions should be sent to Dr. Ralph N. Pacinelli, Grants Committee Chair at
The National Association for Rehabilitation Leadership
NARL 2021 Election Results are now official!!!!
Those elected are:
President: Ellen Sokolowski
Past President: Rosanne Renauer
President Elect:Vacant
Treasurer:Eleanor Williams
Secretary: Terry Dailey
NRA Board Rep: Evan Jones
SouthEast Rep: Donna Farrell
NorthEast Rep: Lynn Boza
Mid-States Rep: Tuajuana Smoot-Hairston
Western-Stares Rep: Vacant
Newsletter Editor: Carl Flowers
JRA Liaison
Committee Chairs
Awards: Vacant
Grants: Vacant
Web Site:Evan Jones
Election Results
Check Here Often for News and Training Updates!!!!
It is widely accepted that the practices and skills of leadership, supervision, and administration of rehabilitation process are vitally related to that process. The National Association for Rehabilitation Leadership has been organized to develop, improve and strengthen practices and skills in both public and private rehabilitation organizations.
A Professional Division of the National Rehabilitation Associaition
Congratulations to the elected NARL Board Members and Committee Chairs Appointed.
Thanks to all for your service!!!!
NARL Leadership
Russ Thelin, CRC, Division Director, Utah Rehabilitation Services Director and President-Elect of NARL is chairing a NARL Participatory leadership project that will focus on reviewing the principle documents under which NARL operates and develop a renewed vision statement for NARL that addresses leadership in the year 2012 and beyond. If you are interested in learning more about the work of this committee, please contact Russ.
Participatory Leadership Project
A Great Opportunity to be Involved and Shape the Future of NARL!
CORE Proposal to 20/20
The Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE) recently responded to the 20/20 delegates recommendation to endorse the concept of a single educational accreditation body. To read CORE’s letter to the delegates and proposal please click on the following link
The NARL Board meets monthly via teleconference to plan and conduct Association Business.
Plans for this year include: planning the pre-conference leadership training during the NRA National Training, support to NARL State Units through membership efforts and the availability of Training Grants, continued publishing of the Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, articles and information published in Contemporary Rehab, continuation of the NARL Awards program including the Lorenze Award which presents a monetary award to a graduate student in Rehabilitation Administration, holding annual elections and representation of the Association (NARL) on the NRA Board of Directors and updating and redesigning the NARL web site to include additional leadership resources.
For specifics related to NARL Board activities check out the Board page above for minutes and other information.
NARL Board Meets Monthly.........
NARL - Call for Nominations
NARL is soliciting nominations for President-Elect and Board Positions....
This is a great opportunity to gain Leadership experience and/or use your Leadership skills to enhance and grow our association!!!!!!
NARL Pre-Conference Training at the NRA Conference has Been Announced. Please see Announcement at Top of Page for Link
Elections........See Below!
Awards...........See Below!
NARL Participates in NRA's Government Affairs Seminar.....
See Below!
Awards 2022
NARL is seeking nominations for annual awards. Many outstanding leaders in NRA and the field of vocational rehabilition have received a NARL award. Consider nominating a deserving colleague to join this prestigious group!!!
The NARL Board has initiated a new NARL website section ( dedicated to sharing leadership information, articles, strategies, and discussion (planned for the future). This looks like it will be an exciting opportunity for both NARL members and anyone interested in Leadership. It is anticipated over time this section will be a rich content source for Leadership. A first article is a reprint of the NARL, August 2003, President's Message, "Leadership Every Day - Making a Difference". Check out the new section by clicking on the blue button or on the Leadership tab above.